A new approach to eating disorders and healthy weight management
Do you think about food, your weight and/or exercise constantly? Do you feel guilty or ashamed after you have eaten or eat differently in private than you do in front of others? If this sounds like you, you are not alone as many people do. This constant thinking or changing behaviour around food and health habits can affect your self esteem, your productivity and can even impact relationships, sleep and result in either anxiety, depression or both. For some people this thinking pattern has become so entrenched that they consider it a normal part of being them.
Over the last 15 years or so, medical research has been focusing on the incredible aspects of brain plasticity. Where as in the past we used to think it was very difficult to change our thinking and behaviour we now know that the brain changes itself on an hour by hour/ minute by minute basis- every thought can change our brain. This has lead to some incredible break throughs in psychological therapy.
Tags:Health and Well BeingMental HealthEating Disorders |